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Help: Java: Xoom Technical Note
Xoom.com servers are set up
differently than most.

The following advisory has been
provided by Xoom for those 
having difficulty with JAVA applets
on their servers.



Xoom.com Reports:

Changes made to server code some months age now require certain changes to java applets when viewed through MSIE. To resolve the problem with your applets, you'll need to add the full path to the codebase in the opening applet tag, as follows (for example): 

<applet code="AnLake.class" codebase="http://members.xoom.com/membername/" width="331" height="420" align="left"> 

Where http://members.xoom.com/membername/ is replaced by the full path to the class file, including the folder name, if you've placed the files in a folder. 

Insure that you place ALL of the files for the applet, class files, image files, text or data files, into the same folder as the HTML page they will be used on. 

Be sure to add a full path to any images and text files used by the applet as well. These changes will need to be made to all applets on your XOOM member site. 

An example of such changes would be: 

<param name=image value="Autobahn.jpg"> 

Becomes this: 
<param name=image value="http://members.xoom.com/membername/Autobahn.jpg"> 

Where once again, the path is the complete path to the file you're using. 

XOOM.com Technical Support


For further assistance on this issue
CodeBrain recommends contacting
Xoom.com Support

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A wise man eats both with his mouth and with his shoes.
Four candles do not make the camel sing.
