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APPLETS: News: Demos: 1 2 3 Get The Applet



(mouseOver pauses applet)

CodeBrainNews is a multi-item text scroller. It will handle hundreds of lines of text without problem, and each item is linkable (URL, frame, target).   MouseOver highlights an individual item and pauses the scrolling. [Update: ASP WEBMASTERS see special note below.]


To give you better control over the layout, optional parameters can position the scrolling area exactly within the applet space. Since CodeBrain News supports a background image, striking, sophisticated layouts are a snap.

Additional parameters include sound support, control of the pause at the top of the applet, full font and color controls, and more.   (See the Cheat Sheet.)

The applet features simplicity of setup and a very small, fast, single .class file.  Protective coding limits parameter errors, and the parameter set is quite easy to use.

One of the easiest applets to set up -- and one of the best, most versatile scrollers you'll find anywhere!

Data sheets, sample set-ups and graphics, and complete demos are included with the download kit.

General Specifications:

Free Version:
Pro Version:
Number of files:
Free for private use
.. & trials
See 'Get the Applet'
Single .class file
No key or keyfile
Yes, back image
Yes - URL, target/frame
..each item


Cheat Sheet:

All standard browsers (Netscape, FireFox, Internet Explorer, etc.)
Click HERE
Contains all demos,
graphics, HTML,
cheat sheet, etc.
Free, 42K.
Free and Pro versions use the same set of parameters.  Those wishing to evaluate the applet are invited to download the Free Version.

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A wise man eats both with his mouth and with his shoes.
Four candles do not make the camel sing.
