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APPLETS: Voice: Get Your Free Key Here!

FREE KEYS are for Private & Non-Commercial Users ONLY!
If you are a commercial developer or run a commercial site of any kind,
MUST purchase the low-cost NO-KEY Version of this applet, available here

Your NAME, E-MAIL and your URL are REQUIRED!

Please read the instructions below FIRST.

Name: required
URL: required
E-mail: required

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moment to respond...



Our visitors too often put more information in the URL box on the form (above) than is needed -- and this can cause your key file to fail!

All you need in the URL box is the base domain. Above all, do NOT use the actual .html page name in the URL box!

For most users, the base domain looks like this: sitename.com
For our overseas users, the base domain will often look like this: sitename.com.de

Here are some examples - look through them, and you'll quickly get the idea.  Keep it simple and basic, less is better!

Standard URL's
If your address looks like this... Put this in the URL box....
http://www.somesite.com somesite.com
http://www.somsite.com/index.html somesite.com
http://www.somesite.com.au somesite.com.au
http://www.somesite.com.de/default.html somesite.com.de
http://somesite.com somesite.com
http://somesite.com.ar/index.html somesite.com.ar
Virtual URL's
If your address looks like this... Put this in the URL box...
http://members.xoom.com/username xoom.com
http://members.tripod.com/username tripod.com
http://hometown.aol.com/whatever aol.com
http://ghostgallery.freeservers.com freeservers.com
http:/username.demon.co.uk demon.co.uk
http://www.angelfire.com/xyz/username angelfire.com
http://home.att.net/~username att.net
http://www.geocities.com/whatever geocities.com
http://username.freeserve.com.uk freeserve.com.uk
http://www.somesite.com/~username somesite.com
http://www.somesite.com/username somesite.com
http://www2.somesite.com/users/username somesite.com
http://homepages.tig.com.au/username tig.com.au

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A wise man eats both with his mouth and with his shoes.
Four candles do not make the camel sing.
