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APPLETS: iBanner Banner Rotator: Demo Get The Applet
The iBanner Banner Rotator
(with optional sound cue on banner change)
Show more ads - increase your revenue
Can be used with any size banner
Use any of our free sounds from the archives
 iBanner Applet Features
- supports up to 100 ads / images

- use with 468x60, 125x125, 88x32 or
....any custom-size banner

- uses either jpgs or gifs

- fully adjustable time-delay between ads

- extremely small, fast-loading file

- demo (shown here) included

- comes with tips and faqs on setting up
....banner ads
- optional attention-getting sound cue (use
....free sounds from our archives)

- each ad individually linked

- can use new window targeting to keep
 ....visitors on your page

- supports frame targets

- individual target for each ad (new window,
....same window, frame, etc.)

- uses no key files, uses no key codes

- compatible with all standard browsers

- Copyright 1995-2014 by CodeBrain.com
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All  Rights Reserved

A wise man eats both with his mouth and with his shoes.
Four candles do not make the camel sing.
