About This
We've had dozens of people write in about the 'Light-Up Links' we use. Not only are these a cool
effect -- and a super-simple substitute for roll-over images -- but they also really do help
people to navigate your site more easily. These Cascading Style
Sheet (CSS) effects work best as shown
here in MS Internet Explorer (4&up) -- but they do work partially in Netscape
4 (i.e., you can have links of different colors that change when clicked,
but not on a mouseOver) and they do degrade gracefully to normal links in older browsers.
Slide your mouse over the
links below, and note that you can have different active and inactive
colors on different links -- an extremely useful device to aid in
navigation if different types or groups of links need to be color-keyed
Yellow to Cyan
Yellow to Cyan
Yellow to Cyan
Red to Magenta
Red to Magenta
Red to Magenta
Orange to Green
Orange to Green
Orange to Green
All you do to get
this to fly is add the CSS <style> ... </style> script
(shown below) into your page header, and then add class="stylename"
to your <a href> tags as explained in the instructions. Be
sure to experiment with the color combinations (all in standard 0-255 RGB
format) -- there's a great deal more you can do with this technique!